Sunday, July 10, 2011

Make way for the V.I.Ps

Back off, move outta the way, Hey you...Stop! Don't you see? Our dear Governor's wife has come to see the butterflies?
OK! You say what the hell and you get out of the way of the press while the Governor poses with the butterflies in his hand and his big smile is being captured by the paparazzi, and what do you find? An ambulance and a FIRE BRIGADE waiting outside?? Whatttttttttttttt.....

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Make way for the V.I.Ps

Back off, move outta the way, Hey you...Stop! Don't you see? Our dear Governor's wife has come to see the butterflies?
OK! You say what the hell and you get out of the way of the press while the Governor poses with the butterflies in his hand and his big smile is being captured by the paparazzi, and what do you find? An ambulance and a FIRE BRIGADE waiting outside?? Whatttttttttttttt.....

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